Is there anything this Can Cannon can’t do??

Well, lookie here, now this is REALLY cool! Is there anything this Can Cannon (brought to you by, you guessed it CanCannon) can’t do?

Have you ever sat out in your back yard with your buddies and a few beers and thought to yourself .. man, I wish we could launch some sh*t today out of a cannon … well, you CAN!! And if your wife comes running out screaming just tell her to calm the F down (women always respond to that one) and tell her that what you got here is legal in all 50 states. Then make sure she gets busy in the kitchen and brings out some dip next time she decides to come out.

Now, back to the Can Cannon, this bad boy is a patented 100% BATFE launcher made for your Lower. It’s designed to launch soda cans; beer cans; tennis balls; whipping cream; shaving cream; paint cans; grappling hooks; flares; t-shirts … frankly, it would be quicker to list the things it can’t launch!

And you’re one of those dudes or dudettes who likes to let’s say “go all the way” you can walk into the room like a rock star with Ultimate Can Cannon Guitar Case.  You basically get it all: the Can Cannon Launcher, X-Fore Tube, grappling hook, balls, cups, fishing spear, rocket and blanks.

When fired at an optimum angle (approximately 45 degrees) a soda can reach an average distance of 105 yards! So get a load of that and have the best afternoon ever!! The Freesh team had so much fun playing with this thing that we feel a duty to give one away ASAP so keep an eye out for the next Freesh. It would be truly irresponsible for us not to share the can cannon with the world … immediately!

So keep on shooting and keep on Freeshing with your Tactical Free SH*T team and our developer nerds at 2ACommerce – I swear these dudes never even sleep, too busy revolutionizing eCommerce, PoS, digital marketing, payment processing and data tools for the firearms industry, so we will leave them to it!